About Us

Learn more about Cosmos Computing and the principles that guide us.

Our Philosophy

We strive for excellence and recognize that our clients' trust is our most valuable asset.

We believe that the best way to ensure our ongoing success is to promote the rational interests of our clients. Through understanding their long-term objectives and working with them to achieve evidence-based goals, we can deliver the optimal solutions to our clients' strategic and technological needs.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to durably improving the efficiency and profitability of our clients' operations.

We enjoy the challenges inherent in analyzing and optimizing business processes, and whether bringing to bear our consulting, development, financing, or procurement services, we relish the opportunity to help our clients achieve greater success.

Our Team

Papered credentials don't impress us - results do!

Our team of professional consultants and developers have repeatedly proven themselves worthy of our clients' confidence, and we only collaborate with those individuals who share our core values of integrity, dedication, and productivity. While we're always happy to engage fresh talent, we also recognize that experience matters, and many members of our team have over a decade of real-world practice in their areas of specialty.

Our Vendors

We embrace progress and technological innovation, but we also believe that our clients should not become guinea pigs for the latest fad.

When consulting with our clients, we often are called upon to implement third-party products and services. Our suggestions are not based upon some blind brand allegiance, but rather are guided by the specific requirements we've helped identify and the tools that most effectively enable them. That said, we believe in thoroughly vetting our vendors whenever possible, and our go-to selection of partners includes Dell, Microsoft, Adobe, VMWare, and other well-established suppliers.